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[最佳答案] 挑剔 [词典] nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious; cavil; carp at; [例句]不要那么挑剔。 Don't be so picky.

[ zui jia da an ] tiao ti [ ci dian ] n i t p i c k ; b e h y p e r c r i t i c a l ; b e f a s t i d i o u s ; c a v i l ; c a r p a t ; [ li ju ] bu yao na me tiao ti 。 D o n ' t b e s o p i c k y .




critical. 可茉德的亲戚来了,他们对臭味有点过敏。好了,今天学习了“挑剔”的3种说法… 用英语怎么说 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜

挑剔”? 2017-11-25 21:03:00 来源: 0 分享至 用微信扫码二维码 分享至好友和朋友圈 文|冯氏英语 用英语表达“对.挑剔”,主要有两种说法: 1、be particular about Tom is very particular about his clothes. 汤姆对自己的衣着很讲究。 2、be choosy about Lucy is very choosy about her clothes. 露西对自己的衣着很挑剔。

英文词组挑剔怎么说?用particular be particular about (动词性词组)或 being particular about (形容词词性词组)用法例句: John is particular about what he wears to the office. You'

[最佳答案] He is always particular with food。be particular with 有对挑剔的意思。

a. 挑剔的;讲究的 If you say that someone is particular, you mean that they choose things 她对衣着特别挑剔。 2. Ted was very particular

(挑剔的)的英文单词是什么??挑剔的 choosy; captious;dainty; fastidious choosy挑剔的;难以取悦的 captious吹毛求疵的 dainty; (对食物等)过分讲究的,爱挑剔的 Our kitten is a dainty eater.我家那只小猫吃东西很挑剔。 fastidious;爱挑剔的;难讨好的;过分讲究的 He is fastidious about his food.他对食物过于讲究。